Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TFW you think "This function should do XYZ" and make it do it right the first time.
So much better than when I rewrote a function 3 times, and was questioning if I even had a clue of what I am doing, before realizing I was editing the wrong csv, which is why it wasn't finding my test cases.
That these 2 things happened 15 minutes apart... That is just part of writing code, right?

 I have made the thing.

I used what I made to update part of a Confluence page.
The updating the Confluence page part is ugly.
Part of the part I made turned a section filled with 'MW-Req-1124' 77 times, and 'MW-Req-116' 56 times into 'MW-Req 1124: 77, MW-Req-116: 56'
Now to make it better, and based on api calls and not scraping a spreadsheet.

Friday, June 21, 2024

 Coworker is not yet sold on AI as a helper, so I point out the things I have it do.

Today's was I had it turn a 300 row, 2 column table into a python dictionary.
The computer did it in about 2 seconds.
It would have taken me a long time, as took
Col1 Col2
and turned it into
for all 300 rows.
This is what AI is for.
Sure, I could have written a script to do it, but why spend time creating something I might not need again for some time?

Oh wait, I should have hired someone to do it, to prevent 'robots' from taking our jobs.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

 How focused am I on wrapping my brain around making this code work?

Well, I just used my teeth to rip the top off the Ziploc bag my sandwich is in, and only noticed when I was trying to get the sandwich out.

I am blaming it on my having also pulled a tiny package of chips out of my lunchbox, so I was thinking I was opening that.

When dreams die

"Please write a function that reverses a string using the split and join method"  2 years ago that was a very important thing to m...