Saturday, July 15, 2023

Things that make you wonder

I connected my project to MongoDB. Nice and easy. 

The tutorial shows what happens if there is an error in the .env file. 

I duplicate it, changing the url in the .env file, and stop nodemon from running, as nodemon does not rerun if you make changes to .env files. 

I start it back up, and it crashes as expected. 

I fix the url, and start it back up. 

It crashes. 

Using that weird logic that says "What if you do this semi-random thing?" and added a space at the end of a line in a non .env file. 

Boom! it runs. 

I remove that useless space. 

It crashes. 

I feel like I need a comment that says "Leave this space alone. If you remove it the system crashes. We have no idea why". 

Also, I am getting a lot out of this tutorial by Raddy: 

MERN Starter Tutorial for Beginners -

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Being a teacher... again

 Woke up, started the coffee, sat down at the computer. 

"Hey, I might be building an app for someone. How do I set up a full-stack project? Like, what did you use to set that up?" 

::: Blink blink :::

So I am trying to walk them through that on a high level. 

When dreams die

"Please write a function that reverses a string using the split and join method"  2 years ago that was a very important thing to m...