Sunday, October 6, 2024

When dreams die

"Please write a function that reverses a string using the split and join method" 

2 years ago that was a very important thing to me, and I got to watch as multiple other students realized that coding was not for them. 

I spent around 45 minutes after class helping one student try and wrap their brain around it, and they never did. I had an easier time teaching dogs to climb ladders and slide down slides. Yeah, I am odd. 

Now I am at the level of "Please write a function that checks if a string is a palindrome, and if it is say 'No work is needed', and if it is not then reverse the string.", and I bet that you are as well.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rubber Duck

 When you have problems, explain the problem to your rubber duck (It doesn't have to be a rubber duck. I've talked to AI, my dog, plants, even humans if I have to).

Explain the problem in as simple of terms as possible, like you want a 5-year-old to understand it (Oh, if I had a 5yo... no, no, no, way too disruptive to my home life.)
At some point in the process, you will come up with new ways to approach the problem. Or, you will keep talking to your rubber duck.
while problem:
talk to rubber duck

I think while might be the solution I am looking for.
Thanks for the help, all you rubber duckies.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Coworker asked a question

Coworker "They want to know if I want 32 more gigs of ram"

Me "In what world is the answer no?"

Thursday, July 18, 2024



Google found that one of my passwords has been compromised.

I clicked to see which one it is.

It is for http://localhost:8888 on my cheese-mvc project.

If hackers get into that they will learn that Bob owns 14 types of cheese!

I think my password for that, like many of my local projects, is "cat". One of the conditions was that the password has to be 3-8 characters long, and cat is easier to type than dog.

OK, now I am wondering if that was in C# or Java...

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

New Employee training video

Watching a new employee training video. 
"a coworker is working a broad and needs help." 
 So, I am a wingman now? Oh, wait. Abroad, not a broad.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Hired full time, no longer a contractor

Spent the morning doing orientation. Spent the afternoon trying to figure out why I couldn't sign into all the internal pages. Eventually learned that there was something going around, and blocking about half the company from getting to internal pages. I head over to the Help Desk page. "Click here for instructions on how to fix it". :::Click::: And blocked... you have to be signed in to see the instructions on how to fix not being allowed to sign in. Figured out it was just clearing the cache. Did that, and then sent the info out to others.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Note to self

 if x:

  do y


  print("I can't do that, Hal")

Note to self: Maybe change that before it goes into production.

When dreams die

"Please write a function that reverses a string using the split and join method"  2 years ago that was a very important thing to m...